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An observation on life.

Geplaatst: 15-09-2015 20:05
door Catpirate
The snow lays on the rooftops, the grass is covered in it. The world is under a virgin white blanket. The cold stings through shoes and gloves. But it is so special, and so beautiful at times.

Sometimes life is like snow, sometimes smooth and flawless but one person can mess it up badly. But however messed up it can be, there are still people able to play with it, have fun in it.

Children usually love to play in the snow, snow equals joy for the little ones. But as they grow older they tend to not play in the snow as much, finding it 'childish' and 'immature'. They don't find as much joy in the little, white, cold flakes.

These people mostly see the negativity in snow. ''Too cold.'' ''My shoes are soaked.'' ''It's so slippery.'' They see how they can't possibly get anywhere because of the snow and usually wish for it to be summer, so the snow goes away.

They are right, it is cold, wet and so slippery. But that does not mean it is all bad, and it does not mean you can't enjoy yourself. It comes to me that as you get older you don't enjoy the snow as much as you could.

I have days where I love to play in the snow. But I slip and curse at the snow. Some days I'd like for the snow to go away. Other days someone helps me get up and we enjoy snow together, although sometimes when I slip I find it to be especially hard to get up.

Like snow, every life, every snowflake, is different.


Nicely written

Geplaatst: 16-09-2015 10:04
door Flowlands
This just show's how free a child's mind is compared to that of an adult.
Not a care in the world about getting wet or dirty, as long as they're having fun.

I think these are things a lot of adults can learn from. Literal as well as figurative.


Geplaatst: 16-09-2015 13:30
door Catpirate
I agree,
adults could learn a lot from children.

This is just how I see some things though, and it doesn't really mean it is true from your perspective but it's true for me.

Geplaatst: 16-09-2015 14:44
door JoyV
And that's what makes you special. Having a different perspective on the world is a very beautiful thing to have! Keep it that way ;)

Geplaatst: 16-09-2015 15:01
door Catpirate
Thank you al lot and I am not planning to stop to look and think.

I think it's important that more people just take the time to think, really think, about things, like, what are you doing? How do you feel? Why do you feel this way?

Or just stop doing what you were doing and just look around you.

Geplaatst: 16-09-2015 15:21
door JoyV
I couldn't agree with you more! We are so focused on technology that we forget to look around. The world is beautiful. Some people just haven't seen it yet.